100% 天然、新鮮、原味、香醇
100 percent natural, fresh, original, and flavorous
醬料低溫 /快速研磨/ 清洗容易 / 無耗材 / 研磨中不需添加油質
paste in low terperture, griding in fast speed, easy to clean, no supplies, grinding without adding oil
可研磨:花生醬、芝麻醬、腰果醬、杏仁果醬、松子醬、夏威夷豆醬、核桃醬、南瓜子醬、葵花子醬、可可醬、味增醬、餡料、乾果醬、豆沙 .........。
grinding: peanut paste, sesame paste, cashew paste, apricot kernel paste, pine nuts paste, macadamia nuts paste, walnut paste, pumpkin seeds paste, sunflower seeds paste, cocoa paste, Miso paste, fillings, dried fruit paste, bean paste
Place to use: supermarket,hypermarket, wholesale store, DIY, organic food store, agricultural products store, bakery, coffee shop, ice store, cake store, filling industry, hotel, vegetarian restaurant, noodles store, family DIY, Food researcher and development
This video clips provides how to change different size of washers in order to regulate the particle of nuts, beans, and etc.
1. 機器體積小,適合經常性移動
2. 研磨馬力大,可長時間研磨,並加裝自動斷電保護裝置
3. 產能大,研磨速度快,提升工作效能
4. 低溫研磨,保存原汁原味新鮮香醇
5. 快速拆卸清洗及安裝
7. 可調整研磨粗細度,無醬料損耗
8. 研磨中不需添加油質或任何添加物
9. 採用專利特殊磨盤設計,零件不易損耗
相關連結: 官網、FB粉絲團、痞客幫、PChome、台灣經貿
E-MAIL : sean@feli.com.tw
電話: 02-2903-3330
地址: 新北市泰山區明志路三段442-1號